Technology & Security

Your Security Is Our Top Priority

Security is a fundamental commitment to our customers and partners.

Cutting-Edge Cyber Security Technology – With Monitox You’re Always Safe

Our team has decades of experience developing security programs for the world’s most recognizable banking and commercial organizations, developing security technology trusted by businesses and individuals alike. Its self-penetration modules ensure all vulnerabilities are identified and safeguarded to protect operations in the long run.

  1. 3D Secure Coding

    All your information is encrypted at both a system and data level.

  2. Two-Factor Authentication

    2FA increases security in payments to allow only authorized users to make transactions.

  3. 256-Bit Encryption

    Monitox uses a 256-bit encryption key which renders a break into an encrypted message nearly impossible.

  4. Advanced Encryption Standard

    Through this block decipher algorithm we help prevent brute-force and other types of cyberattacks.

Data Protection And Security Of Funds

Personal data and transactional information are our top priority in terms of safeguarding and protection. Multi-layer security protocols are in place and constantly being upgraded to protect against new threats to always ensure your funds and transactions are safe and secure.

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